What to Expect in a Reiki Session
Reiki sessions can happen anywhere, in-person, from a distance, or virtually at any point in time.
What to expect:
A typical in-person session takes place in a relaxing environment or treatment room, sometimes in a well-ventilated outdoor space
Sessions last anywhere from 30-60 minutes
The client lays facing up with their head on a pillow, eyes closed, hands to their side and fully clothed
Remote healings happen over the phone or on Zoom while the client is in the comfort of their own home
Clients may briefly discuss the issues or situations they hope to heal
The session begins with slow, deep breathing relaxing into the space and into their body (sometimes with a short meditation)
Meditation music is often used during the session at a comfortable volume
The practitioner uses various hand movements to lightly touch or hover over various parts of the client’s body
Throughout the session, the practitioner focuses specifically on their intent for healing
Remaining time is spent discussing the experience, and next steps after the treatment
Side effects include intense emotions in the days or weeks that follow
How to prepare for sessions over Zoom:
Make yourself comfortable in an undisturbed place, close the door
Use pillows and blankets to keep yourself warm. A pillow under the knees can also help.
Place your hands beside you with the palms facing upward to receive
If you need to adjust your hands to be more comfortable you can
Lower the lights
Put your phone on DND, or turn it off if you’re using a computer to access the session
Keep a journal close by if you feel called to write
After the session allow time to rest, drink water
It may take a few minutes, or a few hours for any physical level pain to be effective if any