What is Reiki?

Reiki (pronounced “Ray-Key”) is a form of energy medicine that reduces stress and promotes deep relaxation and healing. It’s a hands on healing technique that can be done in person or remote in which the practitioner places their hands in different areas of the body during a session. The practice originated in Japan nearly 100 years ago and is considered an alternative health approach that establishes energy-flow in the body, enhancing the body’s innate healing ability. 

The word Reiki is written with 2 Japanese kanji (kanji meaning a set of Chinese script), which mean “universal life force energy”. The top kanji “rei” meaning universal and the bottom kanji “ki” meaning life force energy.

Life force energy can be described as the following:

“The living body, human or animal, radiates warmth and energy. This energy is the life force itself, and has as many names as there are human civilizations…The Polynesian Hunas call this healing force Mana, and the Indigenous Iroquois People call it Orenda. It is known as Prana in India, Ruach in Hebrew, Barraka in the Islamic countries, and Ch’i in China...In Japan the energy is termed Ki and it is from this word that Reiki is named.” [Essential Reiki, Chapter 2, What is Reiki]

In the life force energy of Reiki, the person who is attuned as a Reiki practitioner has had their body’s energy channels opened and cleared.

Some of the benefits include:

  • Creates deep relaxation and aids the body to release stress and tension

  • Accelerates the bodies’ self-healing abilities

  • Increases vitality and raises the vibrational frequency of the body

  • Supports the immune system

  • Boosts mood and aids better sleep

  • Eases pain and improves quality of life

  • Reduces anxiety and blood pressure

  • Brings a sense of grounding and mental clarity

  • Adjusts energy flow of the endocrine system bringing the body into balance and harmony

  • Assists in the body cleaning itself from toxins

  • Promotes calmness and peace

  • Helps with spiritual growth and emotional clearing

It’s important to understand that Reiki is meant to be complementary to other healing methods, and by no means replaces medical care.




Stein, Diane. Essential Reiki: A Complete Guide To An Ancient Healing Art. Crossing Press, April 1, 1995.

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What to Expect in a Reiki Session